CEA is the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission. It is a public body established in October 1945. As leader in research, development and innovation, CEA is active in four main areas: low-carbon energies, defense and security, information technologies and health technologies. In each of these fields, CEA maintains a cross-disciplinary culture of engineers and researchers, building on the synergies between fundamental and technological research. Within CEA, the Technological Research Division boasts three operational institutes providing innovative research to improve industrial competitiveness through technology transfer. The Laboratory of Innovation for New Energy Technology and Nanomaterials (LITEN) is one of these institutes. CEA-Liten focused on new energy technologies and has a staff of 1000 people. Every year LITEN puts in place 400 research contracts and carries out R&D on behalf of industrial partners from a wide range of market segments: energy, land transportation, aerospace, construction, civil engineering, environmental, and IT industries, amongst others.